Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Regional disservices

One of the great threats to the federal dream is often not recognised - the danger that if regional services ( so well funded by Canberra) are not credible, the States , and others , will haul them back .
This is already happening ( DPI victorian rural research) and Canberra clearly doesn't care because rural people everywhere are suffering from the well paid , but not always responsible (moving on yet agin ) services the feds are creating .
For eg People from the big smoke looking for a promotion do a stint in some remote area( When does anyone get a promotion in a small country town -thankfully teachers do)
This needs to change . Its Time gov fund managers did what the people want - insist that so called responsible people live in the area and otherwise show their commitment to the area -its the sort of discriminating and rewards policy that us who are competent can handle .think of the fuel it would save alone ! Can Canberra handle such complexity? This very action might help save the federal dream from the white anting is it celarly getting at the moment !!!!!!
and why should Canberra care? - what represreetaion do small regional communities have in all this.

Close to home too are the wasted regional research dollar efforts ( non accountable soil and risk research and policy impact by some cmas ) and the silly technofix preoocupations of some politicians that will help drag all research back to the cities --as DPI seems to be doing.
I rememember about 15 years go advising the top university specialists in water and earth science research that the most efficient way to "get results" was NOT to create infiltration and runoff reserach groups ( something that still happened) but to drive integration of this complex earth science by building on regional research - unfortunately i lived in the country and my voice was not heard.

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